Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lachs and Crackers

I am making an effort to update more, since apparently my darling friend Hailey reads this shit (she sent me a very lovely private e-mail in response to one of my entries).

Today, I went to school in the snow for the first time. Quite the hurdle for someone who moved from California's Central Valley, and who thinks that sitting under a tree in San Francisco's summer is too cold. My Bahn ride to school was lovely this morning, as I stared out the window at the snow "flakes", holding a warm coffee between my knees, until I noticed that the guy sitting directly across from me was staring at me. I looked for his red-tipped cane, but when I couldn't see one was forced to return to my formerly comfortable gazing. I don't know if anyone reading this has ever attempted a forced-gaze, but if not, know that you will never succeed. It will inevitably turn into a sort of seething glare.

Fuming, I crunched on toward my German class, in which my professor told us that if you live in Bayern, a small cherub-child brings your gifts. That's all in order if you're a really little kid, but upon getting older do you have to feel bad about child labor?

Now, I'm taking a forced trip to the Olympic Stadium and writing a six-page paper (1.5 spaced, because my teacher apparently wants to fight the system?) on Erich Mendelssohn's Einsteinturm.

1 comment:

ayumi ashley said...

Whatever, I read them too. Ho.