Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ruth ist eine Schlampe

Here's the scene: I was sitting in the kitchen, a mere moment ago, talking to Ruth on Facebook chat. Nothing too unusual about that, even though we are in the same apartment. She started asking me about the seating situation in the kitchen. When I told her there were no more places, as I expected, she stayed put. A minute later, she asked me to come into her room, "Really quickly", she said. My exact response was, "Of course, for you." As I walked down the hall to find her, I heard movement coming from the room she was occupying. Right as I was about to yell, "Ruth, you don't need to come out! I'm right here!" I saw a shape catapulting toward me. It was Ruth, running so quickly her arms were pumping at her sides with the effort. She bolted past me, naught but a flash, and I followed her to see what the fuck was going on.

The bitch was stealing my seat in the kitchen!

Haha, though. Someone set a dirty mug in the pot of hot chocolate she wanted to drink.

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