Sunday, February 22, 2009

I am awake before 8am and writing a blog about Facebook.

I am so over hating on Facebook. I am on it all the time, I think it's pretty clear that I love almost everything about it.

Notice that word which was only included to excuse what's about to happen: "almost".

I do not see the point of this weird little addition that is rising in popularity: the little button you can push on people's profiles so they know that you "LIKE THIS!" (In German, it's "gefällt dies!", which I kind of like better). It's not like you're giving any sort of actual feedback on the thing you like; on the contrary, reading these feeds usually leaves me wondering... "why!?" WHY do people like that certain people have become friends? WHY does someone like that Hailey was test driving her bike?

Last night I dreamt that I found my turquoise hat.

1 comment:

ayumi ashley said...

Ayumi likes this.

...har har.

Yeah, it's pretty retarded, and sounds down right silly.